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May 27, 2024
In General Discussion
As most may know, the Oklahoma Mountain Bike Association is a volunteer organization. We build and maintain many of the mountain bike trails in Central Oklahoma, plus a few not-so-central -in Enid and Bartlesville. Been to the trails at Roman Nose State Park? Yep, that's an OMBA trail too! OMBA has no offices and no paid staff. The closest thing to an office is a large, kinda dirty storage unit that we rent so we have a central spot to store mowers, weed-eaters, and tools which have been purchased across the years.
Without membership dues and donations, very little work would happen on the trails.
The crew that works on the Dam Trails at Lake Arcadia just launched a fundraiser - selling tee-shirts. They sell for $25 and all proceeds go directly to support local trail work. Plus, they look pretty cool! If you'd like to buy one (or several), send a message to
Thank you!
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